POP-UP museum Cars in Collection > Fiat balilla Sport Spider
fiat balilla sport spider
guy moerenhout:
newbielink:https://fb.watch/aLu4CBDRos/ [nonactive]
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New story coming up …
We had the chance to buy this amazing project car from Le Mans, a Fiat Balilla Sport spider 508S from 1935. Gordini has built 2 of these himself.
The ones from his hand, had a Simca 5 (Topolino) front grill and a aluminum fender.
Both of them were damaged during an air attack in the 2nd world war, and were lost afterwards.
This car came in with a damaged top, so could have been underneath a pile of rocks from the air attack? Also the Balilla chassis is typical Gordini.
Could this be an original Gordini or one that was sold by him in the 30’s? To be continued. AWM team Vicky
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