abarth cars , our in museum > Apal Coupe . sistercar Porsche Abarth

Apal Coupe //// Belguim Abarth ????

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guy moerenhout:
Its my second Apal Coupe and my first have the Porsche  engine . This  car was sitting many years inside a barn and I am  2 owner so a inside it s still original and have only 50000 km .Car is from 1962 . Sure it will have a big engine our a Porsche  356  engine inside because I wish to use it in some rallys
Color will be back again silver. Perry  build 150 cars like this and still some persons tell me that he looks like a Porsche Abarth but its faster because it lighter. Perry was a Abarth fan and so you never now . I must ask him this

guy moerenhout:
Most cars  where with VW engines  ,tuned Oskra   our standard. Other with Porsche 356 engine . I think he build also some one off with Alfa Romeo
Also you order the car with dixs  brakes our not a bit like Abarth and ones again its a nice shape

guy moerenhout:
ready for his silver paint

guy moerenhout:
painted ,new  frontdixs,new  rear brake and waiting for engine

Guy, I might be interested in purchasing a restorable Apal coupe if you ever run across one again. Can you give me an idea what one in similar condition to the one you bought would run me? Thanks for your help with my inquiry.
Greg Davis


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