abarth cars - community > fiat abarth 750 and 850 allemano series

Allemano 850 Scorpion Coupe


Need numerous parts, front and rear glass, bumpers, etc.  Any help would be appreciated.  I am in the State of Kentucky in the USA.  Any parts would be appreciated as I only have a shell of a car. 


guy moerenhout:
hallo ,best send a front and rear photo of your car lights will be not so big problemes .Bumpers that will .Also from with country you are is best to mention

guy moerenhout:
hallo ;place first a photo from you shell and after I our our club member can see what you need .The where made also in Argentina after the stop in Italy .Lots off parts are the same like some fiat models I restore already tree allemano's .2 spider and one Coupe 1000 for Mr Pont


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